Crucial Lessons for Weathering the Stock Market’s Storm

Written on the 21 July 2022 by Parkside InvestorPlus

Crucial Lessons for Weathering the Stock Market’s Storm

To say we’re current navigating very stormy economic water would be a gross understatement.

As human beings, when we are faced with adverse and challenging circumstances, we’re programmed to act to either overcome negative circumstances or at least minimise their impact on us.

BUT, the same tactics may not apply when it comes to the stock market.

Trying to second guess the markets is fruitless and a losing proposition.  In fact, reacting when markets are on a downward trajectory will negatively impact your long-term financial goals.

Fun fact

Over the past century, US stocks have averaged positive returns over 1 year, 3 year and 5 year periods following a steep decline.

The key message, hold your nerve and click on the link below to find out how.

Three Crucial Lessons for Weathering the Stock Market’s Storm

Author:Parkside InvestorPlus
About: As advisers, we act as a fiduciary sitting on the same side of the table as our clients, providing peace of mind, greater control and visibility.

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